This past Sunday, I blew off my soccer game and cruised down to Santa Cruz to go Unicycling. Yup, unicycling, with a bunch of folks I'd never met. This wasn't a normal uni ride, this was
Rob's Ride... recommended for folks with 36" wheeled unis. There were 4 of us on unicycle on the ride: Rob (who's been doing this ride for close to 10 years and has 15,000+ miles on his uni),
Nathan (who has ridden on all 7 continents, has done a few 24 hour races, etc...), Ken (who set up the webpage and let me borrow his spare KH 36"), and I. There were 5 others on mountain bikes doing the ride as well.
I got there a bit early so I could practice, and if I didn't get the hang of it, I was going to take off a bit early with Ken. But after a few tries, it wasn't very difficult to ride. Especially in front of Rob's house, where it's perfectly smooth and flat with little traffic coming through. Soon I could go backwards, do some stand stills, and hop off the curb. So Ken & Rob encouraged me to stick with them and start at 10 am.
Rob & Nathan showing off their skilz:
The ride is really fun. We started up past UCSC, and up into Wilder Ranch. On the way we passed Mission Santa Cruz, and was really fun cruising around with other unicyclists.
In the UCSC campus Nathan and Rob split off and did the Enchanted Loop, a technical single track, and about half of us stuck to the normal route. Maybe next time...
Here comes Nathan and Rob from their loop.
After we descended back to the ocean and met up with Hwy 1, we followed the busy bike path back to Steamers.
All in all, an amazing ride, and can't wait to do it again soon.