Friday, June 28, 2019

NorCal Brevet Week - Headwaters 400k and Coastal View 600k

These two rides were quite enjoyable.  I took a train up to Santa Rosa to start the latter two rides of the NorCal Brevet Week, the 400k and the 600k.  The 400k would take me up to Arcata, then I'd have a rest day with StuJo, then I'd start on the 600k down to SF.  

Carbo loading before starting my 600 mi journey.  
start of the 400k
Followed Charlie and co for a good while for a speedy 400k.
Tomki Rd looked a bit different this time.  
I heart f'real on brevets... 

There was some sort of antique car race going on as well. 
This was my favorite. 

Dinner time!

Had to take a screenshot of me leading the c510 leaderboard for once.  

Stujo + Megladon tooth
Love that Stu has a pic of us from 20 years ago at Kirkwood

Furiously trying to replenish calories.
Checked my tire and found this... so found a bike shop to get me a spare.


at the Start! Gorgeous sunrise

Got a flat pretty early on... which was my valve, so this took me a bit... 

ave of giants is amazing.

Right before seeing these elk, I almost hit a bear on a windy descent.  

had a quite magical ride down Hwy 1 during sunset

at the control hotel, got some sushi and decided to nap for a few hrs.  
Charlie meanwhile opted to take cat naps on the side of the road...
sunrise was cool
so were the beaches
Rode most of the day with Dan, which was nice to have company.
always a good stop

Boom!  Homologated for PBP!  Ready to go!