Monday, March 23, 2015

Weekly Pano: Antioch Bridge

Rode out to Sacrameto through the delta this past Sat to get a quick ride in to start off the weekend.  Kimbo's folks came out for their spring break, and Margaret wanted to celebrate her 70th b-day with her grandkids at one of their favorite places... the Railroad museum!  So I took off at 5 am, and arrived 15 min after the family, and got to the spend the rest of the weekend with them.  I wanted to ride through the delta as it's unfamiliar territory for me.  I've been to Rio Vista to kiteboard a handful of times, and I've driven through Walnut Grove and Isleton on hwy 160 from Tahoe when traffic on 80 is heavy, but you really don't get to know a place until you've biked it.  

I do recall the narrow shoulders on most of the route, so I was a bit weary of that, but there wasn't that much traffic, so it ended up being ok.  I will say that, you should avoid the highways as much as possible, as that's where the traffic is.  If you look closely at my route after Isleton, that's what I did... crossing the river as necessary when 160 crossed it.  I think next time, I'd cross the Rio Vista bridge and follow Steamboat Slough on Ryer rd... I'm guessing that'll be even less traffic... 

It's really not a popular cycling area, as I didn't pass a single cyclist until mile 85.... when there's a bike lane, and you are relatively close to Sacto.  

the toll plaza... asked the nice lady if I had to pay.  
Do this ride early... as there are plenty of wineries here... and winos on roads without shoulders and bikes... don't mix well
carry change!
these small towns, Walnut Grove, Rio Vista, Isleton, Courtland, Clarksburg all had at least one market and some had some decent looking places to eat.  So if you aren't in a hurry... check em out.  
The next morning... I ran with these folks along the Sacramento River trail up to the Railroad Museum!
Nikko likes the Yepp!

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